At some point in our lives, we decide this is it. This is how things are, and how they will be. Whether you think of this decision as acceptance, surrender, or resignation, you believe there’s nothing else to see, and little else to be done.

You may go so far as to think your job, your purpose is to keep doing the same thing, and to be grateful for doing it.

If so, then why does it all feel so…frustrating? More the point: Why does it feel like it keeps getting harder? If nothing changes, or has, then how can it be that we feel more overwhelmed than ever before?

And if you really believe there’s nothing else to have or be, then why do you feel that whisper, that urging, that maybe things could change?

If you have heard yourself say that “you have everything you need,” then why is it that you feel that something is most definitely missing? Why do you feel a palpable sense of…loss?

We live in a time that no one, not even us, could imagine, 25, 40 years ago: Wireless internet that allows us to connect with anyone anywhere on the globe with a few keystrokes. We have access to anything we could possibly need, 24/7.

Not only can you find anything, you, too, are findable — your precise location can be pinpointed on a map at any moment. There you are. But then, why is it you often feel so ….lost?

You are legally free — to do what you want, say what you want, go where you want. But there’s a difference between freedom…and agency.

You’re not getting younger, that’s true, but you’re aware of aches, pains, discomforts, chronic symptoms that could ostensibly be explained away by any number of things, including age.

But if you’re being honest, those symptoms are not only irksome, they’re unsettling. Any single one of them isn’t likely to kill you, but taken together, they’ve made your own body a hostile environment instead of the place of ease it used to be. And that’s not ok, either.

What if…

You felt a surge of personal power and clarity again?

Your life went from something to cope with to something to thrive in?

You could stop putting out all the tiny fires your body keeps setting and harness your focus and resilience?

You could change your life, without totally uprooting it?


Many of you know me personally.

If you don’t, my name is Kim Hudson, and I’m the herbalist and the founder of The Little Herb Shoppe and The Lakota Botanical & Wildlife Sanctuary. I’m a social entrepreneur, and guide for women who are feeling as though they’re living just this side of overwhelm, and not in the full and fulfilling way they know they could and desperately want to.

I believe that this sense of listlessness, frustration, even loss, comes from a disconnect between the three sources of power in our lives: Our minds (intellect), our bodies (life force), and our spirit (purpose and meaning). We tend to live in one more than the other (usually our heads), to the exclusion of the other equally real and critical parts.

There isn’t a person among us who hasn’t endured some sort of trauma — be it big-T trauma, or the thousand cuts and micro abrasions we’ve suffered over the course of our lives. Myself included!

But in an effort to do what our culture rewards—the ability to stay strong, to overcome, to succeed—we’re forced to compartmentalize, anesthetize, and ignore any and all of the pain, and frankly, the rage. Bury the past and move on, we’re told. But in so doing, we’ve done ourselves a great disservice, burning the bridges and blocking the roads to who we are, and inhibiting a critical skill we’ve had all along: the ability to transmute pain into power – and dare I suggest, Pleasure and Joy.

I created Pure Love Botanicals in the wake of my own soul-crushing loss, when I realized I could give up, or I could tap in—to my own agency, which I did. And changed my life in the process.

As an herbalist who’s coached 1000’s of individuals and led groups for years, I know first-hand the potency of plants, yes, but also the far bigger rewards of reconnecting with their nature—and our own.

And as an educator and guide, I draw on a spectrum of modalities, including herbs, meditation, movement, and more, to help women not so much unearth their past pain, but re-earth themselves by literally and figuratively plugging them back in to the source of their true nature and strength.

The goal and mission of Pure Love Botanicals is to restore women like you to their true power by tapping their essence—not just what happened to you but who you are as a result, and who you can become.

Because it’s not over yet. Not even close!

Yes, we journey back to your roots, and, in the shamanic tradition, back to the roots of your roots, your ancestors. But we don’t stay there — that’s where our journey begins, and it continues through the guided and collective support of a group by which we begin to renew and revitalize the practice of not just living life, but cultivating it, nourishing it to the point of thriving.

By re-earthing our lives, our bodies, our spirits, we can discover patterns of pain, and it’s in recognizing those patterns that we discover the key to our own freedom, and regain control over our future.

Status quo is a misnomer. Life doesn’t stay still; it’s always moving, and what feels like static living is an illusion. The power to break that illusion is wholly dependent on what action you’re willing to take, and what investment you make, in this very moment.

Just thinking about this may be enough to help, and if so, that’s wonderful!

But if you love the idea of being guided in a safe, supportive environment, this is my invitation to you to join us for an experience unlike any other. One you will emerge from feeling revitalized, renewed, and ready for the life you wanted—and a clear path back home to yourself, again.

If this resonates with you, be sure to join our newsletter. We’ll be announcing our 5 month herbal program this spring!

“I’m walking away from this experience having stepped closer to myself than I have ever been before.” – Nina

“Kim makes complex spiritual concepts accessible, as if they’re common sense.” – Valerie

“We are learning by working, respecting and honoring the entire plant & it’s energy, we can heal our physical bodies as well as our mind and spirit. This journey into the plant world is truly a transformational one on a very personal level.” – Nora

“Not only did this program change my life, it saved it.” Adrienne

“There is no better person to guide you to a life of health and wholesomeness than Kim”.

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