The class is your herbal foundation.
Not only will you learn how to reclaim your vitality, you’ll instantly receive a 10% coupon toward herbal products so you get support for your health journey now!
“Your ability to convey complex concepts in a relatable (and accessible) manner has helped me immensely.” – Eleanor
In the first week of our Spring Reset Program, we embarked on a journey to cleanse and rejuvenate our bodies, starting with a focus on allergens and immunity. Spring is a time of renewal, and our bodies can greatly benefit from a thorough cleanse to rid ourselves of the allergens that often come with the changing season.
In the first week of our Spring Reset Program, we embarked on a journey to cleanse and rejuvenate our bodies, starting with a focus on allergens and immunity. Spring is a time of renewal, and our bodies can greatly benefit from a thorough cleanse to rid ourselves of the allergens that often come with the changing season.
In the first week of our Spring Reset Program, we embarked on a journey to cleanse and rejuvenate our bodies, starting with a focus on allergens and immunity. Spring is a time of renewal, and our bodies can greatly benefit from a thorough cleanse to rid ourselves of the allergens that often come with the changing season.
Many of us are deficient in vital minerals. Our food system (even organic food) lacks the minerals we need to thrive. This has resulted in an epidemic of health issues, disease, premature aging, depleted energy, and more.
Learn how herbs will increase your vitality, your health, and your beauty! Already using herbs? This class will re-inspire you!
“I liked having this introduction class to just refresh my knowledge of the basics of herbalism and it was taught in a way that was very easy for me to retain.”
Herbs for Vitality, Health & Beauty was a live online workshop offered by herbalist Kim.
Instant access to the class replay and the bonus class downloads. Make a cup of tea and prepare to have the shift in your life that you’ve been waiting for.
WELCOME! When you enroll, you’ll receive an email that’ll give you access to the class video recording along with several pdf downloads to get you started.
Download the class PDFs to read while you watch the video. Jot down notes, questions, and thoughts that come to you during the class. These are all important.
Kim began studying herbalism in the early 90’s. In 2011, Kim founded The Little Herb Shoppe, a small herbal apothecary in New Hampshire. She combines herbs with her background of teaching yoga, massage, and somatic nervous system healing for a unique insight into why people have difficulty healing.
Kim invites you to consider that healing is more than just treating the symptoms, or curing the disease, the chronic illness, the emotional distress, the trouble sleeping, etc… . When we start to come into partnership with our body, and learn to listen to its messages, our health begins to shift. Our life circumstances also begins to shift.
As we lean into the plants, we tap into a powerful wellspring of healing.
And healing becomes a sacred life journey.
*Partial funding for the development of this website was made possible by a Rural Business Development Grant through the Northern Community Investment Corporation from USDA Rural Development.
Little Herb Shoppe is hiring in Littleton, New Hampshire.