Why Pure Love Botanicals?

Welcome to The Little Herb Shoppe and our sister site for classes and programs, Pure Love Botanicals, where we take a deeper dive into all things healing.  Over the past 2 decades, I’ve worked with thousands of customers, students, and clients – and one thing I know for sure:  You are far more than a collection of symptoms & body parts. 

Deepak Chopra says the body is not a noun. Rather, that the body IS a process.  Have you ever paused to consider that your health condition isn’t just physical?  It can feel overwhelming or frustrating when you don’t feel well chronically –  or there’s a diagnosis.  You’ve tried everything, and you’re not sure where to turn.  It can be overwhelming as well-intentioned people come out of the woodwork with advice, or that their ‘way’ or ‘method’ will cure you.

You’ve tried specialists who divide up the body into so many parts that you don’t see yourself as whole anymore.  Modern medicine can be miraculous, but the sheer number of pharmaceuticals people ingest is shocking.  They often take a huge toll, on our bodies, minds, and emotions.  We only have to sit through one television show to see the plethora of pharmaceutical commercials – and how disease is ‘normalized’.

Health can quickly become so complicated that you don’t know where to begin to untangle all of the layers.  Or you no longer have the energy to try.  Months or sometimes 2, 5, 10, or more years go by and you have the same, or worse symptoms. 


When we start to look at ourselves in this interconnected way, the symptoms and the dis-ease label become information and we can get curious about ourselves in a new way – rather than resigning to this is just the way things are.  Because that chronic pain in the bottom of your foot may just be related to the tension you hold in your back – which could be related to work or relationship stress, or even a long-ago emotional pain that you had to shelve at the time.  While not every single ailment is a life-changing wake up call, many are, and more than you may think.


Lean into the herbs that will nourish, replenish, an revitalize your body. I’ve seen this happen time and time again.  The micro-nutrients available in plants give us a powerhouse of energy.  Couldn’t you use some of that right now?  And not the caffeinated kind.

There are many people who take pharmaceuticals who are interested in incorporating natural medicine into their lives as well.  And the good news is, in many cases you can use both together with good results.  But if there’s a yearning in you, or you know there must be more to the puzzle – a deeper journey is calling. This is the path offered to you through Pure Love Botanicals classes and programs.  You’ll do the healing work to reweave seemingly separate aspects of your life, as you connect to nature, and yourself in powerful, new, and loving ways.

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